November 5th
Woke up to snow blanketing everything outside. It felt almost festive with the fluffy white flakes falling outside the log cabin hostel, giving the whole day a winter holiday vibe. Most people stayed in for the day, which only added to the snug atmosphere. A few Americans staying at the hostel decided to have an election viewing party, and it turned into a very interesting discussion with people from all over the world chiming in. It was eye-opening to hear different perspectives on politics and elections, both about the U.S. and other countries. Everyone was super open and curious, which kept things light and avoided the tense walking-on-eggshells feeling political conversations sometimes bring.
In the late morning, I ventured out into the snow with another girl from the hostel to grab a latte at the bakery and pick up supplies for tomorrow’s big hike. Back at the hostel, a group of us tried to learn Rummikub (with varying success), adding to the day’s Christmasy feeling.
Later, I headed out with another friend to get some gear for tomorrow’s sunrise hike. Everyone said you need a headlamp, so we hit a gear shop that was packed with people and of course charging steep prices. Headlamps secured, we swung by the store for tomorrow’s snacks and dinner ingredients.
Back at the hostel, it was a cozy night full of cooking, chatting, and prepping for the hike. We made pasta, passed around a few drinks, and kept half an eye on the election coverage still playing on TV. The hostel was filled with a mix of curious suspense and pre-hike excitement, along with the tension of political updates and the looming bad weather forecast. Overall the mood was positive and supportive though, with everyone on the same page that we just have to face whatever comes our way and make the best of it.