November 2024

November 25th

Family hike to Laguna Esmeralda! By family, I mean Sol’s parents, Sol, her girlfriend, and me. It was a national holiday, so no school or work for most people, and perfect weather for getting outside… which also meant that everyone and their mom wanted to go hiking along with us.

The hike wasn’t too long, I think 6ish miles maybe less?, with stretches through muddy woods and sections along a boardwalk offering stunning mountain views. When we arrived at Laguna Esmeralda, it was just as beautiful as promised with vibrant blue-green water shining in the sun, and the surrounding peaks mirrored on its surface. We found a spot to sit and take it all in while enjoying lunch that Gaby had packed. I’d brought snacks, but she surprised me with a thermos of pumpkin soup that was still piping hot and absolutely hit the spot.

As we relaxed by the lake, a very bold crested caracara made its rounds, hopping between groups of hikers and hoping for food. He was clearly a pro at scrounging and got lucky snagging some avocado scraps from our sandwiches. Later, Gaby and Gustavo wandered off for a little walk while Sol and her girlfriend took a nap. I pulled out my binoculars and bird book, scanning for anything new. Nothing too exciting popped up, but I never get tired of watching the caracaras and their funny mohawks.  

The walk back was quieter and quicker. As the air cooled and the sun dipped lower, I think we were all ready to call it a day.

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