December 16th
Woke up to Fabiana shouting, “Vamos a la playa!” bright and early—despite not getting much sleep after Nai’s birthday celebration last night. But how could I complain about being dragged out of bed to go to the beach? We packed up quickly and hit the road to Corrientes, arriving just after 9 a.m. to find the sun already blazing down on us.
Though we’ve come to Corrientes from Resistencia plenty of times to go out to eat, I don’t think I’ve ever been to the beach here before—and it turned out to be a hidden gem, way nicer than I expected! Soft fine sand, shimmery water, and a cool view of the bridge spanning the Paraná River between the two cities. I was surprised by how many people were already out at the beach on a Monday morning, but then again, we were right there with them.
We spent the morning alternating between cooling off in the water and soaking up the sun, shifting back and forth as needed. After a few hours, we were all wiped from the heat and decided it was time for lunch. Nai’s birthday pick was to check out a mall, grab some food, and maybe do a little shopping. So that’s exactly what we did.
It was such a fun girls’ day at the beach and wandering the mall, and I’m so glad I got to celebrate Nai’s birthday with her.