December 4th
Travel day back to Buenos Aires! Packed up the apartment and rode to the airport with Sol and her mom. The Ushuaia airport, small and efficient, made check-in quick and easy and gave us plenty of time to sit down for a coffee together. We chatted about my favorite things in Ushuaia and how one day, not too far off, I’ll be back. 😉
The flight back to the capital was smooth, though sitting next to a man with a less than pleasant body odor wasn’t exactly ideal. Thankfully, I had the window seat, offering great views of the coastline and fluffy clouds below. Solo travel days like this always feel like the perfect time to reflect on my experiences from the past month of adventures. <3
Arriving back in Buenos Aires felt like a breath of fresh air. The sun was out, the temperature a perfect 75 degrees—such a welcome change after the cold, rainy days in Patagonia. Now I’m more than ready for a proper Argentinian summer. I was relieved and settled as I walked into Nai’s apartment, realizing that it really feels like my home in Argentina at this point. The evening was low-key and cozy, filled with laughter as we swapped stories from the past month apart and gave plenty of attention to Nai’s cat, Ruko.