December 2024

December 25th

Merry Christmas! Although the day technically began with the late-night celebrations, in my mind Christmas day started when Nai and I woke up around noon. The rest of the family was already up, and we joined them for lunch in the quincho, enjoying all the great leftovers from the night before. Then it was straight to the pool, where we spent most of the afternoon hanging out together. The weather turned out to be so much nicer than the day before, letting us soak up the sun and relax outside.

I FaceTimed my family back home to catch up on holiday events both here and there. It’s always a little strange to experience Christmas in the warmth, but I’m definitely not complaining. Spending this time with my host family and joining in on their traditions is something I really value—it’s so interesting to see the similarities and differences in how things are celebrated.

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